Saturday, February 25, 2012

Pat McGuire to Replace AJ Wilhelmi as 43rd District State Senator

Pat McGuire has been chosen to replace AJ Wilhelmi as the State Senator for the Illinois 43rd State Senate District.  McGuire is the current Braidwood City Clerk and former Will County Treasurer.

Wilhelmi won the 43rd State Senate Seat 37,876 to 24, 276 over Republican Challenger Cedra Crenshaw in the 2010 election.

Here is a map of the current 43rd District, including which precinct went Democrat or Republican in 2010:
Map of 43rd State Senate District and 2010 election results by precinct

After the 2010 Census, the Illinois 43rd State Senate District was realigned and will look like this for the 2012 election: